miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

62% of Australian consumers don’t know what QR codes are

Posted 14 November 2012 22:00pm by Jake Hird with 5 comments

QR codes continue to be the hot potato within the marketing industry and this was especially apparent during Econsultany's recent Digital Cream Sydney event, not least on the mobile table. 

Arguably QR codes seem to invoke a general divide amongst marketers – you either love or hate them – and they're something that Econsultancy has written about more than numerous times, ranging across great examples in practice, through to the shockingly bad

But what's the consumer appetite for QR codes? 

In association with Toluna, Econsultancy surveyed more than a thousand Australian consumers to explore this question and, despite a general enthusiasm amongst marketers for the mobile channel, it turns out that the majority of consumers seemingly don't even know what a QR code is...

In total, Econsultancy polled 1,050 consumers using the Toluna research panel during the beginning of November. In summary, the topline findings reveal that: 

  • 62% of consumers don't know what a QR codes are, or how to use them
  • Just over half (51%) of the 18-34 age demographic can recognise QR codes 
  • Proportionately, 44% of males know what a QR codes are and how to use them, compared to 35% of females 
  • Across all consumers who knew what QR codes are, nearly half (51%) had used one in the last three months 

The full findings to the research are below: 

Do you know what QR codes are and how to use them?

Do you know what QR codes are and how to use them? (Gender)

Do you know what QR codes are and how to use them? (Age)

The proportion of consumers (38%) who did recognise QR codes were also asked whether they had personally used the mobile channel during the last three months. Interestingly, the proprtion was almost equally split in general, although within this, there was more weighting towards the younger demographic.

Have you personally used a QR code in the last three months?

Have you personally used a QR code in the last three months? (Gender) 

Have you personally used a QR code in the last three months? (Age) 


[Image credit: Dan Zen]

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