sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012

Five handy Pinterest tools to help you measure success

Posted 09 November 2012 10:39am by Matt Owen with 2 comments

http://assets.econsultancy.com/images/resized/0002/5578/econ_pin_boards-blog-thumb.pngWe've been somewhat surprised recently by Pinterest. While the platform has grown at a phenonmenal rate it probably isn't the first place you'd expect a fairly niche business like Econsultancy to succeed.

However, since starting our boards there, we've seen some very good referral numbers and even a few final-touch conversions, so I thought it was time to dig a little deeper and see how we could make the most of the platform going forward.

As such I've recently been trawling the net in search of measurement tools and it turns out there are already quite a few. Here, I've compiled five dedicated Pinterest tools that can help you make the most of your audience there...


Pinerly adds granular analytics to everything you post, allowing you to create 'campaigns' around each of your pins using a simple two-step process. 


Users add either a URL or upload an image directly to Pinerly.

The service then appends this with data and provides analytics around each campaign, allowing you to measure the virality of all your pinned content easily:


It also provides a handy overview where you can view your most popular boards, follower counts and more to help you optimise content accordingly. 

Optimising all your pins like this could become slightly time-intensive, but used consistantly it will give you an excellent idea about exactly what works and what doesn't. 


Repinly is a useful tool for benchmarking and optimisation. The service allows you to easily view the top performing pins and pinners across the entire Pinterest platform, and keep an eye on content that is trending:


In addition, there are some handy top-level stats and content breakdowns to help you keep up with the trends.

Users can also add their own boards to the RePinly directory for a little extra traction. 


While not in-depth, the service will allow you to keep up to date with new content easily, and see why the biggest Pinterest accounts are doing so well. 


Pintics concentrates on traffic metrics, but also allows you deeper insights if you grant the service access to your Google Analytics account. 

Primarily, it's focused on sales, so along with a variety of metrics including likes, repins, pageviews and bounce rates, you can also track and attribute direct sales from Pinterest:


While you can probably find this information in your own analytics accounts, this service is great for reporting, with clear column views for sales and revenue - great for proving that elusive social ROI. 


Next up, an influencer service (or 'Pinfluence' in this case).

PinPuff works by calculating your average reach on the platform, and gives you socores based on this and the propensity of followers to share your stuff, meaning you can tweak things to improve your overall virality. 


While the metrics supplied aren't particularly weighty, it's very useful for optimisation allowing you to easily see which of your pins and boards are creating the most buzz. 

In addition, you can search through subject lists to find other influential users, ranked by influence score, so it's a useful resource for engagement:



Pinflencer is aimed at the retail market, and provides more robust tracking and analytics. It displays your most popular pins, and alets you  easily spot users who are actively engaging with your brand:


Like Pintics, Pinfluencer also tracks sales and traffic, and enables you to attribute Pinterest revenue accurately:


Bonus tip

Finally a quick extra tip. You can easily view all the content being shared from any website across Pinterest. Just type: http://pinterest.com/source/yourwebsitename/ into your browser.

Here are the results for Econsultancy.com (thanks for sharing all). All of these tools can help you deepen your engagement on Pinterest, and hunt out the users who are actively promoting your content there. In addition, you can find plenty of extra information using multi-platform services like Curulate, and of course, good old Google Analytics. 

These are just a few of the tools that have sprung up recently, and more are appearing all the time. If you've seen any particularly useful ones recently then please do let us know. 

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