miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

NBA Allows All-Star Game Voting Via Twitter and Facebook

NBA fans who want to get their favorite player into this season's All-Star game will for the first time be able to cast votes through Twitter and Facebook, the league announced Tuesday.

Here's how it works on Twitter: simply tweet the player's first and last names with the #NBABALLOT hashtag. Fans' tweeted votes are limited to one player per day from now through Jan. 14, when All-Star voting concludes (the game itself is Feb. 17). Meanwhile, a custom app on the NBA's official Facebook page allows fans to vote for five starters once per day there.

Voting is also possible via Sina Weibo and Tencent QQ — two popular social networks in China — where the NBA has a massive and growing fan base.

SEE ALSO: How Social Media Is Introducing NBA Fans to a Budding Star

The move is in keeping with the NBA's longstanding leadership in the social media space among pro sports leagues. Last May, it became the first sports league to reach 5 million Twitter followers (its official page now has over 6.2 million). Twitter itself says that nearly 90% of current NBA players are on the social network. Last season also saw the NBA's first ever "Social Media Awards," in which it recognized viral moments and players who resonated with fans online. Major League Baseball let fans vote for this year's All-Star selections via Twitter as well.

Tuesday's social All-Star voting announcement proved an immediate hit on Twitter, where the #NBABALLOT hashtag quickly became a worldwide trend. Wise acre fans also had some fun with the spinoff hashtag #NBAPalate, which gave players' names a gastronomical spin:

Is social media voting a smart move by the NBA, or does it fall flat? Give us your take in the comments.

BONUS: 30 Must-Follow Twitter Accounts This NBA SEASON

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