viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

NFL Star Accidentally Tweets Photo With Naked Teammate

NFL star Brandon Marshall sauntered into the Chicago Bears' locker room before practice on Wednesday morning to find a package from the University of Central Florida, where he played college ball before moving onto the pros.

Stoked about the gift, he sent a tweet of the unopened package to his 750,000 followers, writing, "What a nice treat this morning waiting for me at my locker. What can it be? #UCF"

Turns out it was a snazzy new UCF T-shirt! So Marshall, ever the gracious gift receiver, promptly shared a follow-up tweet featuring a photo of himself modeling the new threads.

There was, however, one problem: a butt-naked teammate pulling on some knickers over Marshall's left shoulder.

You can see a cropped version of the full-moon photobomb above, although we've covered the unnamed teammate's nether regions with with a Mashable "M." Not surprisingly, the uncensored version has received wide distribution on the Internet.

Marshall quickly realized his mistake, deleting the photo and tweeting an apology:

BONUS: 25 of YouTube's Funniest Sports Fails

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