miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Twitter’s Best Election Night LOLs [UPDATED]

Lol Election Map

If watching the blue and red map on TV for hours is making you feel like the nation is cracking apart, try following the presidential election on Twitter — it'll have you cracking up.

Twitter comedians have been practicing for months. They've had three debates to warm up and test material and tonight is their night.

It could be hours until we know who will be president of the U.S., but Twitter users have been raining droll zingers all night. Here's a recap of the ridiculousness thus far.

Let's start at the intersection of elections, video games and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air:

If video games aren't your taste, perhaps you prefer a good drinking game:

Sometimes admitting you missed an opportunity for a gut-busting lampoon is just as funny. Projections show that Linda McMahon, wife of WWE CEO Vince McMahon, will lose her second consecutive bid for a Connecticut Senate seat.

This guy might have his meal situation figured out, but he better find a phone charger soon:

This probably didn't actually happen:

Let's see what the dynamic duo of political satire has been saying about Election Day:

CNN's Wolf Blitzer, as has become custom, has been on the receiving end of some tomfoolery.

The Onion is in the business of satirical fake news. Here's one of their witticisms for you existentialists:

Speaking of feeling small:

Be sure to check back. This post will be updated throughout the night with more political comedy on Twitter.


It's 11:11 p.m. the east coast and they are calling the election for President Obama. There is still one important race that is going down to the wire — the race for the funniest tweet of the night. Some dark horse candidates have been popping up in the past few hours.

The following tweet was approved by Ozzy Osbourne:

If you think the political scene in the U.S. is cut-throat, you would be shocked at what goes on in Westeros:

Here's another fantasy literature nerd getting tweet on. For some reason this progression seems to make sense:

If you know anything about Twitter, it should come as no surprise that Todd Akin was a target for some snarkasm.

That's it for tonight folks. Check back again in 2016 for more.

BONUS: 15 Funny 'Moving to Canada' Tweets for Election Night

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