martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

Another Seminar success for Branded3!

The second of Branded3's quarterly Seminars went off with a bang yesterday, as our aim of complete transparency and patronage to our industry was well translated and cemented with the offering of our expert knowledge to all attendees.

Everyone turned up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and guests were queuing up to enter Branded3 HQ.

The introduction was again given by Branded3's CEO Vin Chinnaraja, who outlined the itinerary for the day and welcomed our delegates who came from near and far to lap up the knowledge being doled out by our experts.

The first session, The Latest Advanced SEO & Link Strategies, as given by our Director of Search Patrick Altoft, focused on cutting-edge SEO advice with pointers on future-proofing your SEO strategy. Patrick also outlined expert guidance on the building and implementation of a financial content strategy.

Next, it was time to hear about Future Proofing SEO Strategies with our Head of Search Tim Grice. Tim spoke about the development of SEO strategies and how they can be made to really stand the test of time. As an expert in Google's recent algorithm updates, Tim shared his insights as to the integration of social signals and the launch of Google Plus.

We then had a break for coffee and croissants during which Patrick and Tim gave one of their first expert SEO clinics. This was followed up by a Q&A session in which both speakers had SEO and link-building questions fired at them from the audience.

We had an amazing catered lunch which everyone seemed to enjoy!

All five speakers then joined forces for a short interactive session which included a review of two financial websites to highlight areas of improvement from a design, SEO, CRO and social perspective.

Next, it was the turn of Andrew Machin, our newly appointed Head of Creative and Social Media, to give a talk on Converting Your Traffic into Customers. Andrew explained the steps that follow your SEO effort in terms of site usability and the power of design, and how that can be effectively wielded to convert your visitors into customers.

Laura Crimmons and Fiona Dunphy, two of our talented Social Media strategists gave the final talk which was concerned with Social Media in the Financial Sector. Fiona gave a strong start with concise, innovative dos and don'ts when it comes to social media, as well as some interesting facts and statistics. Laura then took the floor to give the audience an insightful and in-depth look into effective use of advanced Social Media tools and techniques.

We finished the day with another Q&A session, this time incorporating all of the speakers of the day. The audience seemed extremely eager to have their SEO, Social Media and CRO questions answered, which seemed to be a reflection of the level of engagement the speakers had achieved and the highly perceptive nature of the delegates we played host for.

Finally, we all let loose, enjoyed a drink and took the opportunity to talk further and mingle with the remaining guests.

We are really thankful to everyone who attended and are looking forward to the feedback we'll receive. For more photos and comments, visit our Facebook page, Google+ page or follow us on Twitter.

The date for our next Seminar will be Wednesday 6th March, so stay tuned on our blogs and social media accounts for details of the itinerary and when tickets will become available.

BY Georgia Halston AT 1:53pm ON Thursday, 29 November 2012

Georgia is a Content Writer and Social Media Specialist here at Branded3. She studied Media Culture and Society at university and is actively involved in the arts and cultural side of Leeds as a city. Follow @georgiahalston on Twitter

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