martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

Black Friday and Cyber Monday stats roundup

Posted 27 November 2012 13:36pm by David Moth with 0 comments

If you believe the hype, then you'll know that over the weekend e-commerce sites were overwhelmed with frantic shoppers clamouring for bargains.

Major retailers would have us believe that shoppers have nothing better to do the day after Thanksgiving than trawl the internet looking for the best deals on the latest technologies.

But is that actually the reality? As well as blogging seven awesome Black Friday and Cyber Monday infographics, I've rounded up some stats to show the sales and traffic boost that occurs on Black Friday and Cyber Monday...

Black Friday is contagious

Sentiment analysis of social networks by Salesforce suggests that the buzz around Black Friday is beginning to spread across the Atlantic.

Over the past 30 days the UK accounted for 1.1% of the total Black Friday conversation, though obviously the US dominated with more than 2.3m mentions (88.8% of the conversation).

Sentiment in the UK was over 60% positive, in comparison to the US where its posts were 50% negative.

And as this word cloud shows, Amazon and GHD were among the top brands mentioned in the build up to Black Friday.



Black Friday spending tops $1bn

Online spending in the US reached $1.042bn on Black Friday according to comScore, representing an increase of 26% on 2011.

Thanksgiving Day, while traditionally a lighter day for online holiday spending, achieved a strong 32% increase to $633m.  

Overall spending between 1 and 23 November was $13.7bn, up 16% from $11.8bn in 2011. 

ComScore also tracked which retailers received the most Black Friday traffic.

Just over 57m Americans visited online retail sites on Black Friday - up 18% on last year – with Amazon taking the lion's share followed by Walmart, Best Buy, Target and Apple.

Cyber Monday worth more than Black Friday

According to Adobe, US shoppers spent $1.98bn online on Cyber Monday, representing a 17% increase on 2011.

This is far more than the $1.3bn spent on Black Friday, which was itself an 18.4% growth on 2011.

Adobe's data also shows the increasing importance of mobile shopping. On Black Friday, tablet conversion rates increased 24% compared on last year, while smartphone conversions were up 80%.

On both Black Friday and Cyber Monday mobile shoppers accounted for almost one in every four dollars spent online.

On Black Friday sales via smartphones increased 75% year-on-year, while on Cyber Monday the increase was a massive 100% in the same period.

Adobe's stats also show that social marketing accounted for just 2% of traffic referrals on Cyber Monday, up 105% year-on-year.

Facebook and Twitter stayed even with a combined 77% of social network referrals.

Mobile traffic on the up

According to data from Usablenet, mobile traffic on Thanksgiving was 98% higher in 2012 than 2011. Average page views also increased 74% in the same period.

However much of this will be attributable to the fact that more people own smartphones and tablets now than a year ago.

Usablenet's stats also show that retailers with both mobile sites and apps saw traffic increase at a higher rate (117%) than retailers with mobile sites only. Overall a quarter (25%) of mobile traffic comes from apps

Looking at operating systems, just over half (51%) of mobile traffic came from IOS devices while 44% came from Android.

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