sábado, 8 de diciembre de 2012

Econsultancy's top 25 guest posts of 2012

Posted 07 December 2012 10:36am by Graham Charlton with 3 comments

Just as I did last year, I've compiled the top 25 guest posts published on the Econsultancy blog this year, ranked by number of unique visits. 

A big thank-you to all of Econsultancy's guest bloggers for their valuable comtributions to the blog this year on a range of subjects. 

Also, if you're not on the list, don't worry. It's all about quality, not quantity... 

Last year's most popular guest post was Kelvin Newman's Ultimate guide to the Facebook Edgerank algorithm and, amazing, it was also had the most page views this year. 

However, I'm just including posts published in 2012 in this list, so here we go... 

  1. Kelvin takes the top spot again, with the crafty tactic of revisiting the topic of Edgerank with an updated version of last year's winner: Facebook Edgerank: what marketers need to know.
  2. Dave Wieneke produced an excellent three-part series on Pinterest earlier this year. This, on how Pinterest makes money, takes the second spot. 
  3. Kevin Gibbons is next with ten ways to advertise your business on Facebook.
  4. It's Kevin Gibbons again at number four, with: Why Wikipedia is top on Google: the SEO truth no-one wants to hear.
  5. LBi's Gynn Davies is next with this on the dreaded Cookie Law: EU cookie law: UK government crumbles? 
  6. Alex Moss is next with this post, which may have benfitted from people looking for the product online: Tesco's iPad 3 pricing error: accident or strategy?
  7. Paul Rouke explains why Ling's bonkers website actually works: Lings Cars and the art of persuading visitors to buy.
  8. Dave Wieneke's first post on in his Pinterest series: What Is Pinterest, and why should anyone care?
  9. Dan Barker explains a useful Google Analytics hack to regain some of the insight lost thanks to the'(not provided)' issue: How to steal some 'not provided' data back from Google.
  10. Koozai's Mike Essex explains  Why Google loves responsive design (and you should too).
  11. Stephen Croome provides some vaulable advice: How to identify and fix Google Panda in 2012.

  12. James Gurd explains How to use Pinterest for link building and blogger outreach.
  13. Anna Lewis presents the Top five KPIs for SEO campaigns.
  14. Some excellent examples from Kelvin Newman: 12 brands increasing conversions by understanding human psychology.
  15. James Carson on the crossover between content marketing and SEO: Could content marketing replace the SEO department?
  16. Kevin Gibbons with some thoughts on Google+ and SEO: How does Google+ impact SEO performance?
  17. Ed Baxter with an excellent GA walkthrough: How to rock your Google Analytics: five tricks to help you out.
  18. Ben Potter looks at some of the possible effects of Google's Panda update: Will Panda kill the freelance SEO star?
  19. David Towers with a look at how Google's semantic search is set to revolutionise SEO.
  20. Jeff Molander explains why good stories don't cause sales, and nor does engagement:Storytelling: why most content marketing plans fail.
  21. Paul Rouke on the male online shopper: Eight online shopping behaviour traits of men.
  22. Erik Boman looks at Best practices for mobile email design.
  23. Kevin Gibbons on what makes a good search marketer: Why good SEOs should look like they don't exist.
  24. Dave Wieneke looks at the copyright issues around PinterestIs Pinterest a copyright time bomb?
  25. Dan Barker looks at the promo strip and why it's effective for online retailers: Useful e-commerce trends: the promo strip.

We're always on the lookout for great guest bloggers, so if you'd like to contribute in 2012, read this list, and then email .

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