lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012

How to Crowdsource Your Job Hunt

Josh Tolan is the CEO of Spark Hire, a video-powered hiring network that connects job seekers and employers through video resumes and online interviews. Connect with him and Spark Hire on Facebook and Twitter.

Any job seeker could tell you the job market right now is tough. This makes it even more important to go into your interview -- whether it's in person or even through online video -- prepared for anything. "Be Prepared" might be the motto of the Boy Scouts, but it should also become your job search motto. Good research can be the difference between wowing in the interview and falling flat.

With social media tools and the interconnected web, much of this research can now be crowdsourced through social channels. Considering 91% of online adults are using social media and approximately 750 tweets are sent out every second, the social web is a huge potential resource for you to tap into. Your online pals and social media connections could hold the key to your dream job if you know who and what to ask. The following are ways to get a little help from your friends in order to impress in the interview.

Find Out About the Position

Not everything you need to know about the job is in the formal job description. While every company is different and every role is unique, it's likely there are other people with the same position you dream of landing. You'll want to ask these people about the most important skills to have. There is probably a laundry list of skills and attributes in the job description, but some will be more important than others.

You'll also want to find out what the day-to-day routine of the position looks like and what the unique stresses of the industry are. While you're passionate about your career and know this would be a great position for you, it's still important to get a well-rounded picture.

This is a great fit for crowdsourcing. In your job search, it's important to network.

The best resource to find out what life is like in a given position is a space where people with that job title gather.

The best resource to find out what life is like in a given position is a space where people with that job title gather. This could be an industry-specific Twitter chat, a LinkedIn group, or even a Meetup event. There are literally one million LinkedIn groups, so there should be at least one dedicated to your dream position.

Once you've identified a source of contacts who can give you insight into the job, inquire politely if you can ask a few quick questions. Most professionals are eager to help others and make new contacts and will be thrilled you turned to them as thought leaders.

Find the Questions, Prepare For the Answers

If you know what questions you're likely to be asked, you'll be better prepared with intelligent answers. Companies such as Google and Apple are notorious for asking weird, brain-teaser questions. You'll want to find out what the most common interview questions are so you're prepared for the basics. Then you'll want to discover what off-the-wall questions the company is likely to ask to throw you off your game.

The good news is that you can crowdsource this. There's no way to be prepared for every curve ball, but using a site like Glassdoor can really help you prepare. The site allows you to see the questions other users have been asked, which can be invaluable in your own interview prep so you're ready for even the toughest questions. You can also take to the forums at job board Indeed to see if someone has shared interview experiences or first-hand tips. Searching these sites for experiences at your dream company is a good way to get the inside track before your interview. Plus you can ask users additional questions about what to expect.

Identify the Top Brass

Whether or not you'll enjoy a job can often have as much to do with who you work with as what you do. You'll want to know how well the team works together and how the office personalities mesh. You might also want to check out the person who previously held the job for which you're applying and see if they left on amicable terms.

Crowdsource the answer with giant professional social network LinkedIn, to find out the who's who in your dream company. If you're not directly linked with anyone in your company of choice, you can always ask a connection to help you reach out. Utilize big social media networks like Facebook and Twitter to find current and former employees, then ask if they have a few moments to talk about the company.

There's certainly more to find out about your potential coworkers than what it says on their social media profiles or in their company bios. You might even invite a contact out for an informational coffee meeting to find out more about the company, and in turn more about the people you'll be spending most of your waking hours working alongside.

Get Inside the Company

You want to know what life is really like at the company to ensure you'll be a good fit. Sure, you can find information from news articles and social media, but crowdsourcing the answer might give you more insight. Ask what the company culture is like, what people like best about working for the company, and what they wish they could change. Make sure to phrase any questions about the company's negative attributes delicately, especially when talking to current employees.

Crowdsource the answer by using a question-and-answer site like Quora to ask the burning questions about the company you've been dying to know. There's a high probability someone on the site might be able to answer your query and help you make an informed choice.

You can also turn to LinkedIn to find past and current employees willing to share additional insight into the company. Be polite and explain why you want to find out more about the company when approaching a new contact. Professionals who have worked at the organization are the best source of information into what's it's truly like to work there.

In today's socially-connected world, it's easier than ever to utilize social tools to connect with others. In your job search, use these tools to crowdsource the answers to your burning questions. This way you'll be sure the job is right for you, and able ask some seriously insightful questions during the interview process.

What are some ways you crowdsource during your job hunt research? Share in the comments.

Social Media Job Listings

Every week we post a list of social media and web job opportunities. While we publish a huge range of job listings, we've selected some of the top social media job opportunities from the past two weeks to get you started. Happy hunting!

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, AndreasKermann

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