viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

New York Creates 'Texting Zones' to Stop Car Accidents

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo introduced "texting zones" to the state's highways this week in order to prevent accidents caused by motorists who send text messages while driving.

In recent years, local governments across the U.S. have worked hard to curb the growing trend of texting-related accidents, but the arrival of new and more feature-rich mobile devices have posed a challenge to their efforts.

Just as rest stops give road-weary, long-distance drivers a rest from the road, New York's "texting zones" aim to encourage hardcore texters to pull over before writing a message on their mobile devices. Drivers will be alerted to the 91 new zones via 298 signs strategically placed along state highways.

While this measure may seem like a concession to dangerous drivers, in fact, New York has recently increased its fines for texting offenses. Those caught texting and driving will face a $50 to $150 fine for a first offense, up to $200 for a second offense within 18 months and up to $400 for a third offense, according to the states' Department of Motor Vehicles.

During a press briefing held in front of a roadside display that featured the new signs, Gov. Cuomo said in a release. "These Zones will be identified with signs along the thruway and state highways, reminding drivers that there is a nearby opportunity for them to legally and safely use their phone. With this new effort, we are sending a clear message to drivers that there is no excuse to take your hands off the wheel and eyes off the road because your text can wait until the next texting zone."

What do you think of texting zones? Are they a good idea? Give us your take in the comments, below.

Image: Flickr, Governor Andrew Cuomo

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