martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011

5 Things Missing From the New TweetDeck for Chrome

I like to install as few things on my PC as possible. That's why when TweetDeck released an app for Google Chrome in Dec. 2010, it was an epiphany.

No need to run another program in the background. Simply flick open a new browser tab and bam: Your Twitter columns are there in all their HTML5 glory.

Then, in May 2011, Twitter acquired TweetDeck. "That's cool," we thought. "Who better to manage a Twitter app than Twitter itself?"

For a while, things were fine. Small tweaks and improvements were welcome surprises.

Then, New Twitter emerged, and with it, a brand new version of "ChromeDeck." Cosmetically, it's got a bit more snazz. But the more I use it, the more I find it lacking under the hood. Existing features I had grown to rely on in the previous version are nowhere to be found.

Why, Twitter? Why?

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