lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011

Twitter rolls out new look

Posted 08 December 2011 18:48pm by Vikki Chowney with 3 comments

Twitter has started to roll out a new look, starting this evening.

A blog post announced that the company has simplified the design to make it easier than ever to follow what people care about, connect with others and discover something new.  

Over the next few weeks this will appear on, mobile and even Tweetdeck.

The company said that after observing how tweets had started to 'take on a life of their own' since they carry so much content, it didn't want them to separated from the core experience. After all, people engage more when tweets are expanded in line.

Additionally, Twitter wants to make it easier to connect the offline experience of seeing @s and hashtags everywhere with what you then see on Twitter, since these symbols are becoming synonymous with the social network. 

Last, Twitter recognises that people want to tweet from anywhere, and they want the experience to be consistent.

Rachel Bremer, European communications manager for Twitter said that mobile usage is skyrocketing and Twitter was built to work on any mobile device - from feature phone in Kenya to high end smartphone in San Francisco or London, but the experience on different mobile platforms and the web isn't consistent

Because of that, we're making important changes to the product - changes that we hope closely align with how users, new and old, want to interact."

She said that in a nutshell, Twitter is now organised around four key areas:

1. Home - your timeline, faster and easier

2. Connect - interact with others and see who's interacting with you

3. Discover - find great new content from people that you may or may not follow

4. Me - your content like lists, DMs, images

Watch the video above for further explanation, or visit to view product pages that walk through the new version.

Vikki is News Editor for Econsultancy. You can follow her on Twitter.

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