sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012

Facebook Is Worth More Than McDonald’s and 4 Other Giant Brands

Facebook closed its first day of public trading valued at $105.19 billion, making it worth almost exactly as much as PepsiCo, which is valued at $106.5 billion.

At more than $100 billion, Facebook doesn't quite make it into the leagues of Coca-Cola, worth $167 billion, or Wal-Mart, worth $212 billion. Nor does it yet compete with tech giants Google, worth $196 billion; Microsoft, worth $246 billion; or Apple, worth $496 billion.

However, being the largest Internet IPO in history does get you somewhere. We've rounded up five companies you probably perceive to be enormous, which are now worth less than 8-year-old Facebook.

SEE ALSO: 6 Reasons Why the Facebook IPO Fell Flat

Take a look at these smaller-than-Facebook companies. Are you surprised by how big Facebook is compared to these other companies? Sound off in the comments.

What Is an IPO?

What exactly is an IPO? What are the risks to a company in going public? What are the legal requirements?

If you find the business terms and market lingo confusing, check out our explainer video, which breaks down an IPO in plain language.

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, woraput

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