domingo, 17 de junio de 2012

6 Tech Concepts Changing the World

In our social entrepreneurship series, The World at Work, Mashable interviewed the faces behind the startups and projects that are working to make a global impact.

These companies are tapping into the public's power to change the world through tech, whether it's encouraging others to take up the challenge of living below the poverty line or helping teens give back to their local communities. While the companies are diverse, they are all on a mission to change our lives for the better and improve society.

Here's a final roundup of the series, including exclusive video interviews with the founders of these innovative startups. To read more and watch the videos, click through to the full story, and check out the series and the roundups below to learn about more breakthrough companies.

1. Live Below the Line

Big Idea: Live Below the Line is an international challenge and social media campaign that asks participants to live below the poverty line, on a budget of $1.50 per day for five days.

Why It's Working: The challenge is in its infancy, but it has already seen 25,000 users take it on, including celebrities such as Josh Groban and Malin Akerman. Funds raised through Live Below the Line have gone to many international charities focused on hunger and the developing world, including UNICEF and Malaria No More.

Read the full story here.

2. She's the First

Big Idea: She's the First is an international organization that inspires millennials to host fundraisers for girls seeking education in the developing world.

Why It's Working: The company is growing dramatically, from sponsoring 36 girls in its first year of operation to 136 last year. In 2012, the nonprofit hopes to sponsor 300 girls in the developing world.

Read the full story and see the video here.

3. Clean Currents

Big Idea: Clean Currents offers businesses and residents clean energy at prices on par or below their utility company's rates.

Why It's Working: The green energy company has built a social media following by offering Facebook rewards, enticing young brand advocates to convince their parents to switch to green energy.

Read the full story here.

4. Do Something

Big Idea: is a platform that mobilizes teens to effect social change. Issues range from recycling to teaching senior citizens how to use the Internet to bullying.

Why It's Working: By creating campaigns that don't require money, an adult or a car, empowers teenagers to help others and do good.

Read the full story and see the video here.

5. Asahi Kasei & Code d'Urgence

Big Idea: Asahi Kasei developed an RFID-enabled cellphone charm to hold medical records and important health care information, while France's Code d'Urgence created a QR code with similar abilities.

Why It's Working: Mobile electronic medical records are the way of the future and can be crucial in the event of an emergency. These tools are highly mobile, and they equip individuals with their medical history wherever they go.

Read the full story here.

What do you think of the efforts of these startups and foundations? Let us know in the comments below.

All World at Work Roundups

As mentioned above, this was the final week of Mashable's World at Work Series. Check out the weekly roundups below to learn more about the innovative startups we covered.

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