martes, 5 de junio de 2012

Dead Cat Comes Back to Life as Morbid Helicopter [VIDEO]

Not all cats have nine lives. Artist Bart Jansen found that out the hard way when a car ran over his pet cat.

As a tribute, the Dutch man resurrected the cat, Orville, turning him into an eerie flying helicopter equipped with propellers. He named the animal after aviator Orville Wright.

Jansen calls the furry gadget "Orvillecopter," which is on display at the Kunstrai art festival in Amsterdam, The Daily Mail reports.

"This is Orvillecopter's first test flight, Soon to be flying with the birds," says the above video's description on YouTube. "For the catlovers: it is a tanned hide, just like the shoes you're wearing. For the RC lovers: it's a Lotus T580 (still)."

Orvillecopter will undergo maintenance on its birthday to receive "more powerful engines and larger props."

BONUS: More Cat Love on Tumblr

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