viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

Rare YouTube Easter Egg Shows TV-Style ‘Snow’ Error Message

YouTube has unleashed a rare easter egg that shows TV-style "snow" as an error message.

The animated feature, which quietly went live a week or so ago, pops up when you're trying to watch a live message that's ended or if you try to load a video and it's interrupted. When that happened previously, the YouTube error message had the same message — "An error occurred. Please try again later," against a black background. Matt McLernon, a YouTube rep, says the easter egg was created by a summer intern and was meant to be a "fun homage" to traditional broadcast TV.

Want a way to quickly invoke this error? Watch one of the YouTube live streams at Press the pause button. You'll get a message that says "This video is live only. Press play to watch live." Not only is the background snowy, it also moves with faux-scan lines. Retrolicious.

Though parent company Google is fond of dropping easter eggs, at YouTube they're rarer. One of the more notable ones was a 2010 feature that let you play the classic game Snake on YouTube by holding the left and up arrow keys on your keyboard while a video is playing or paused. Previously, Google put a button on YouTube videos that played a World Cup-style vuvuzela sound.

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