martes, 14 de agosto de 2012

Talkin’ Bout A Revolution: The All-Star Enterprise Panel At Disrupt

As we keep saying with these things, this year's Disrupt SF is going to be huge so get your tickets here. And if you are interested in becoming a sponsor, opportunities can be found here as always. With Yammer's $1.2 billion acquisition by Microsoft, Box's recent raise of $125 million (valuing the company at a whopping $1.2 billion), and Asana's cash infusion from Founders Fund, Benchmark, Andreessen Horowitz, and Mitch Kapor, enterprise these days is anything but boring.

Which is why you should tune in to our all-star enterprise panel at TechCrunch Disrupt, which will feature Box CEO Aaron Levie, Asana co-founder Justin Rosenstein, Okta CEO Todd McKinnon and Cloudera's COO Kirk Dunn.

Between the "consumerization" of applications, rapid expansion to mobile devices, and data and analytics deluge, we're seeing the Enterprise space go through a major revolution. Companies like Cloudera, Box, Asana, and Okta are all leading the way in this new era of enterprise computing; And nows your chance to see them onstage at TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco.

Kirk Dunn

COO, Cloudera

Kirk is the COO of Cloudera where he uses his diversified range of technology engineering, marketing, sales and management experience to oversee Cloudera's business operations. During his nearly 20-year career, Kirk has worked extensively with established companies, high-growth organizations and Fortune 200 accounts, successfully building strategic sales and product divisions, and leading international expansions.

Kirk served as the CEO of PowerFile, Inc, which was successfully sold to Hitachi LG Data Storage, and was CEO of Bang Networks Inc. Prior to joining Bang Networks, Kirk served as VP of North American Field Operations at Inktomi. He came to Inktomi from Network Equipment Technologies, Inc. (NET), where he held executive positions in sales, marketing and professional services. Kirk also worked for IBM in senior sales positions. He holds a BA in mathematics and applied sciences from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Aaron Levie

CEO and Co-founder, Box

Aaron Levie co-founded Box with friend and Box CFO Dylan Smith in 2005. The Box mission is to provide businesses and individuals with the simplest solution to share, access and manage their information. Aaron is the visionary behind Box's product and platform strategy, which is focused on incorporating the best of traditional content management with an elegant, easy to use user experience suited to the way people collaborate and work today. Box is one of the fastest growing companies in enterprise software, used by more than 11 million individuals and 120,000 businesses worldwide.

Aaron studied business at the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California before leaving to found Box.

Todd McKinnon

CEO, Okta

Todd McKinnon is the CEO of Okta, a company he co-founded in 2009 with the mission of empowering businesses to realize the full benefits of their cloud-based applications. Okta helps companies of all sizes get control of their users, applications and data – both in the cloud and behind the firewall – and provides end-users with one place from which they can access all applications, from any device, anywhere.

From 2003 to 2009, Todd worked at leading the engineering, user interface design, documentation and localization teams. Under Todd's leadership, the team grew from 15 to more than 250 people, and the service grew from 3 million transactions per day to more-than 150 million with industry-leading performance and reliability. Todd's team developed and launched, the industry's first platform-as-a-service product, and AppExchange, the first online marketplace for cloud computing applications.

From 1995 to 2003, Todd worked in various engineering and leadership roles at PeopleSoft in the PeopleTools group, building the underlying platform for the company's applications.

Justin Rosenstein

Co-founder, Asana

Justin Rosenstein is the co-founder of Asana, along with Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz. Asana's software enables organizations to coordinate their people and teams without effort, providing key communication infrastructure to companies like Twitter, Airbnb, and Foursquare.

Justin has led the development of products that hundreds of millions of people use daily. At Facebook, he was the tech lead for projects including the Like button and Facebook Pages, and designed the in-house project management system that Facebook relies on to this day Facebook. At Google, he product-managed several projects in the communication/collaboration division, and created the initial prototype for Gmail Chat.

Justin majored in Math and got part way through a Master's in Computer Science at Stanford.

Levie, Kirk, McKinnon and Rosenstein will join a full Disrupt lineup which already includes speakers like: Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, Brian Lee, Marc Benioff, Ron Conway, Kevin Rose, Jessica Alba, Dave Morin, TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington, Vinod Khosla and many others yet to be announced.

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