viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012

TechCrunch Disrupt SF Hackathon – Judges Announced

Howdy all. We're a month away from the fourth annual TechCrunch Disrupt SF Hackathon.

To meet the demand, we're releasing more tickets to the public. If you haven't already gotten your ticket, go get one now. This will be sold out.

It will be a great weekend of hacking and learning, culminating in minute-long presentations with hundreds of the Bay Area's best on Sunday afternoon. To add to the pressure cooker, we've handpicked a crew of the industry's best to lend their wisdom and good looks to the event. You're bound to recognize some of these heavy hitters.

Kent Brewster
Web Guy

Kent Brewster won the Ship It Now award at three different Yahoo! employee hack days. (Sadly, none of it ever shipped.) He built the iPhone app for Netflix using nothing but stone knives, bear skins, and open APIs, and is currently the guy whose fault it is if the Pin It button is broken on Pinterest.

You can follow Kent on Twitter at:

Josh Elman
Principal, Greylock

Currently a VC at Greylock, Josh has spent 15 years building products in Engineering, Product Management, and Platform roles. He led the team for RealPlayer and RealJukebox at RealNetworks, early growth at LinkedIn and launched LinkedIn Jobs, and led product at Zazzle. More recently, Josh led the launch of Facebook Connect at Facebook and helped user growth at Twitter grow by over 10x. Josh has a BS in Symbolic Systems from Stanford.

You can follow Josh on Twitter at:

Bradley Horowitz
VP Product, Google+

Bradley Horowitz is vice president of product for Google's social products, including Google+. He has also led product for Google's consumer application division which includes Gmail, Gtalk, Google Docs, Google Voice, and Calendar. Before joining Google in February 2008, Horowitz was Yahoo's vice president of Advanced Development where he drove the acquisitions of Flickr and MyBlogLog, launched the Brickhouse incubator and developed new products like Yahoo! Pipes. Previously, he was co-founder and CTO of Virage, where he oversaw the technical direction of the company from its founding through its IPO and eventual acquisition by Autonomy.

Bradley has a bachelor's degree in computer science from the University of Michigan, and a master's degree in media science from the MIT Media Lab.

You can follow Bradley on Google+ at:

Peter Pham
Co-Founder/Partner at Science

Co-Founder and partner at Science in Los Angeles. Built a few startups in the past like Photobucket, BillShrink and Color. Now at Science is behind companies like Dollar Shave Club, Wittlebee, DogVacay, Eventup, and Uncovet.

You can follow Peter on Twitter at:

Vivek Ravisankar

Vivek has a Bachelors degree in CS and graduated in India in 2008. Following that, he worked at Amazon for a year in the Kindle team. He started Interviewstreet in 2009, had three failed ideas, got rejected by YC twice and finally built a tool that helps companies screen programmers and was a part of YC last summer.

Currently, the team is building HackerRank – a fun social network for hackers to solve and learn interesting programming concepts.

You can follow Vivek on Twitter at:

David A. Shamma
Research Scientist, Yahoo!

David Ayman Shamma is research scientist at Yahoo! Labs where he runs the Human-Computer Interaction Research group. He investigates how people interact, engage, and share media experiences both online and in-the-world. He is also the co-editor for Arts and Digital Culture for the Association of Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on MultiMedia. When he's not wearing a lab coat, Ayman has been known to choreograph dance & technology performances, design electronic fashion, and make mallets for hitting touchscreen devices.

You can follow David on Twitter at:

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