jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

10 new wireframing tools to help you create rapid prototypes

Posted 07 November 2012 13:56pm by Chris Lake with 3 comments

A few years ago there were only a handful of wireframing tools available, which I found either too cumbersome or too expensive to bother with. 

Nowadays it seems that a new app for creating mockups is launched every week. Some of them are excellent, and a welcome addition to the UX toolkit.

Many user experience classicists still prefer a pen and paper, and that's always a smart place to start. I'm slightly odd in that I produce most of my wireframes using Microsoft Excel (well, those columns and rows do make for a nice grid). 

These new tools really come into their own when you want to bring other people into the picture, as many of them allow for collaboration.

Anyhow, do check them out, and by all means point at some others in the comments section below.


A minimal online tool that provides allows you to rapidly mock up page layouts, and which requires no registration to use it, or to save your work. You can choose from mobile and desktop templates.


An impressively powerful HTML5 app with plenty of common web elements that you can make use of when designing your pages. Easy to use, with desktop, mobile and tablet templates.



FlairBuilder is a desktop app for creating interactive wireframes, which allows teams / clients to play with the prototypes.  Includes more than 70 drag and drop components and widgets.

Fluid UI

A lovely tool with lots of features for creating mobile app prototypes. Provides a canvas to see the big picture, as well as the page-level detail. Dive straight in, no immediate registration required.

Google Drawings

Morten Just has made a bunch of stencils for Google Drawings, to help people use it for wireframing. 


A paid-for tool (with a limited access free option) that should be of interest to UX professionals. Includes the usual drag and drop functionality, alongside a comprehensive library of user interface elements. It also allows you to show different content states (for example, to show what a logged in user would see vs a new visitor). 


This one flips wireframing on its head, by giving you the option to turn existing web pages into wireframes in just one click. 

iPhone Mockup

Allows multiple users to work on wireframes for iPhone apps. Changes are rendered in real-time.


An iPad app for wireframing "on the go". 



You want lo-fi? You got it…

Or alternatively there's always this...

[Image credit @organised]

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