Barack Obama probably just wants to snooze it up in the Lincoln Bedroom after winning a hard-fought election, so we'll let GIFs celebrate the victory for him.
Take a nap, Mr. President the GIFs will party all night.
Image courtesy of gifwich
Image courtesy of gifwich
BONUS: "I'm Moving to Canada"
Way to call a bluff. You must be a good poker player.
Absolute genius. We should have come up with this one long ago.
Is that like when you move to Quebec, and then immediately relocate to Saskatchewan?
Does that mean if the wrong, wrong person wins you'll stay? And what if Gary Johnson wins?
Feel the burn.
At least they don't have Obamacare, right?
Be sure to post a lot of pictures on Instagram!
He'll be happy to have you.
Fair enough.
Apparently you'll have a lot of company. Godspeed!
This sounds like it could lead to a spinoff story: "Tech CEO Takes Post-Election Holiday in Canada."
That's funny because I heard the next election for Prime Minister of Canada is supposed to be Bieber vs. Gaga.
And for the billionth time, Will McAvoy proves that he's smarter than the rest of us. Maybe one day we'll catch up if we watch enough News Night 2.0.
Cue "America the Beautiful."
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