domingo, 27 de enero de 2013

Warning: Graphic Porn Invades Vine

It didn't take long for Twitter's new mobile service Vine to get its first collection of porn uploads.

The app — which launched on Thursday and allows users to create and share six-second GIF-like looping videos — already has not-safe-for-work videos of male and female genitalia creeping up on the platform.

We first noticed the occurrence while watching VinePeek, a new website which aggregates Vine videos in real time via a steady stream of user-generated clips. Cozied in between videos of snow, puppies and babies was a graphic clip uploaded just seconds before of a nude body.

Vine Porn Censored

Videos saved via the Vine app with hashtags such as #porn, #sex and #penis revealed even more graphic videos, many of which had a warning that the following content contained sensitive content. Twitter and Vine have not yet responded to a request for comment.

Vine Porn

Do you think porn should be kept off Vine? Let us know your thoughts below.

Photo via iStockphoto, Sodafish

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