martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

Apple Says Goodbye to Third-Party Emoji Apps

There was a time when the only way to access emoji characters on an iOS device was to download a third-party app. These characters, however, are now supported natively in iOS 6. Because of this, Apple is notifying developers that their apps are no longer welcomed in the App Store, according to MacRumors.

This will help unsuspecting customers who may not know that emoji characters are available on iOS for free. As Apple pulls emoji apps, developers are receiving this message:

Hello XXXX,

We are writing to let you know your app, XXXX, has been removed from the App Store because it is no longer needed to unlock Emoji.

Since iOS 6 now provides Emoji support to all users, your app is no longer in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines

2.12 Apps that are not very useful, are simply web sites bundled as apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected

If you have questions about the removal of your application, please contact App Review at Please include the App ID and the name of your application in your email.

Thank you and best regards,

App Review

Keep in mind that Apple's Emoji keyboard is not installed by default. To turn this on, go Settings > General and select Keyboard. Next, pick Keyboards from this screen and then "Add New Keyboard …" Finally, select Emoji. You now can use emoji characters whenever a keyboard is available. To do so, click on the world icon on the keyboard.

Thumbnail image courtesy of Flickr, skampy

This article originally published at AppAdvice here.

AppAdvice is a Mashable publishing partner that offers news and reviews of iOS apps. This article is reprinted with the publisher's permission.

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