domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

10 Photos from the 'Mad Men' Season 6 Premiere

It's. Almost. Here.

We speak, of course, about the return of Mad Men, the best workplace drama — or arguably, drama of any sort — on the tube today.

Season six, the show's penultimate go-round, premieres Sunday night, and will bring with it answers to some of the questions that have been torturing us for months: Can Don Draper remain faithful to his young new wife, or will he continue his pattern of alcoholic dysfunction? Can Roger Sterling — and the firm as a whole — remain relevant in the dog-eat-dog world of advertising? How will the show's characters adjust from the straight-laced early '60s to the seismic cultural and political shifts headed their way?

The 10 promo images, above, were released by AMC this week in anticipation of the big episode. They're a terrific way to whet your appetite, and also offer some interesting clues to mull over. We see Joan standing in front of what look like Christmas decorations, indicating that the season begins during the holidays. We see Don, looking more middle-aged, and wife Megan adapting to a more colorful style era. And we see young Sally Draper looking pensive and more teenaged than ever.

Check out the photos for yourself; then give us your season-six predictions in the comments, below.

Homepage image courtesy of AMC, Michael Yarish

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