miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013

5 Things Kobe Bryant Can Teach Us About Social Media

NBA superstar Kobe Bryant suffered a devastating injury recently, but he's been putting on a social-media clinic since.

Byrant ruptured his left achilles during a game Friday night, ending his season and throwing a serious wrench into the Lakers' playoff plans. But his injury is significant in the bigger picture, too. At 34 and with some serious mileage on his body, it could end Bryant's time with Lakers — and, though unlikely, his career.

While he's been sidelined on the court, however, Bryant's been more active than ever online. Whether tweeting encouragement to teammates, joining unexpected platforms or sharing surprisingly candid thoughts, the NBA legend has proved he's now a social media all-star, as well.

But Bryant's social media surge isn't just a blueprint for sports stars and celebrities; it also contains examples that regular folks would be wise to pick up on. Below are five lessons we can all learn from Bryant's digital tour de force.

1. Be yourself, even if it's raw and painful at times.

It's never good to overshare, and everything you post should be done with an awareness of how it comes off to others. But filters aside, the greatest value of social media is that it allows you to share yourself with people near and far. Those thoughts and feelings don't always have to pump the sunshine — but they should always be honest.

Bryant went on a lengthy Facebook rant just hours after his injury, venting about his frustration and, shockingly, expressing doubt about his ability to come back. "This is such BS!" the post begins, before continuing:

Forgive my Venting but what's the purpose of social media if I won't bring it to you Real No Image?? Feels good to vent, let it out. To feel as if THIS is the WORST thing EVER! Because After ALL the venting, a real perspective sets in. There are far greater issues/challenges in the world then a torn achilles. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, find the silver lining and get to work with the same belief, same drive and same conviction as ever.

The key was that Bryant, even while venting, remained in relative control of his emotions while giving followers an intimate look at his mindset after getting hurt. (You can see the entire post on his Facebook page.)

2. Know where your audience is — and go to them.

When Bryant began stepping up his social-media game over the past year, he didn't just go with big American networks such as Facebook and Twitter. He's now active on Sina Weibo, China's hot microblogging network.

The NBA is wildly popular in China, so giving Weibo some love makes sense. There, Bryant is able to reach thousands upon thousands of fans — all potential customers for the brands he endorses.

3. Keep exploring new platforms.

Even if you've mastered Twitter, that doesn't mean other social networks can't offer new audiences and opportunities. Bryant just recently joined Instagram, and here's his first post — a shot of himself about to undergo an MRI on his ruptured left achilles:

4. Don't duck.

Bryant's recent social success all comes down to the fact that he's refused to withdraw after suffering a major setback — something anyone looking to build an online following and reputation can draw from. Whether it's joining Instagram, sharing his deepest thoughts on Facebook or interacting with Chinese fans, Bryant has turned hard luck into opportunity.

5. Most of all, stay positive.

While being oneself often includes confronting tough issues, people who remain upbeat and constructive online tend to have more appeal to followers. One major Facebook rant aside, Bryant's post-injury attitude online has been relentlessly upbeat. He's poked fun at his appearance on Instagram, thanked teammates for visiting him in the hospital and tweeted encouragement to the Lakers as they fight for a playoff spot:

What else would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments.

Lead image courtesy of Flickr, Keith Allison

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