viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013

Expert YouTube Troll Has Held Every Job Known to Man

Who is ronnyjohnson618, and why does he hate everything on YouTube?

The web is full of misanthropes, self-proclaimed critics and naysayers. A wealth of opinion can fuel an online debate and also derail it. This is especially true of YouTube, where Godwin's Law is often invoked.

Hark! Behold the critical mastery of YouTube commenter ronnyjohnson618, a self-appointed expert on everything — at least where YouTube videos are concerned. Even more impressive, he seems to have held almost every job imaginable and has no qualms telling you what's making him mad. He's sort of like the Internet's Andy Rooney. Thankfully, some hero redditor collected all his criticisms in one place.

Here are a few areas in which he boasts expertise:

1. CGI

Image: YouTube

2. Singing

Image: YouTube

3. Combat

Image: YouTube

4. Driving Boats

Image: YouTube

5. Geometry

Image: YouTube

6. Game Design

Image: YouTube

7. Botany

Image: YouTube

8. Chemistry

chemistryImage: YouTube

9. Psychology/Homosexuality

psychologyImage: YouTube

10. Autism

autismImage: YouTube

He's become a polarizing figure on YouTube, which explain why his account has temporarily vanished. Is ronnyjohnson618 the greatest character actor on the planet, or mentally ill? You be the judge.

Mashable composite. Images: Flickr, Jim Younkin, Victor1558

H/T Reddit

This article originally published at The Daily Dot here

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