domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013

Gordon-Levitt Faces False Fantasies and Porn Addiction in 'Don Jon'

Obsessed with Internet porn on his laptop and smartphone, Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character in bawdy comedy Don Jon lives in a fantasy world. In it, Jon Martello's weekly real-life sex romps pale in comparison to the web smut he watches while fervently masturbating.

"Real life is actually, I would say, so much more beautiful and so much more rich and nuanced than anything could ever be on a two-dimensional screen, and you'll miss it if you're too busy comparing your real life to these fantasies," Gordon-Levitt told Mashable, explaining what he hopes moviegoers will grasp from Don Jon.

Don Jon

Gordon-Levitt is making his directorial debut with Don Jon after working under Steven Spielberg in Lincoln and Christopher Nolan in The Dark Knight Rises. He wrote the film and cast an all-star lineup that includes Scarlett Johansson, Julianne Moore and Tony Danza.

"Joseph is remarkably assured — I think he could have whatever kind of directing career he wants," Moore told Mashable on the red carpet at the New York City premiere this week. "He really knows what he wants, he has a vision and he knows how to accomplish it."

Moore plays Esther, a classmate who tries to help Jon solve his intimacy issues, while Johansson portrays love interest Barbara Sugarman. Danza, who also starred with Gordon-Levitt in 1994's Angels in the Outfield, plays Jon's potty-mouthed father.

Nowadays, a movie without a social marketing blitz is like a car with missing wheels, so Gordon-Levitt and film distributor Relativity Media have brought Don Jon online through a Jon Martello Twitter account (managed by Gordon-Levitt) as well as a GIF-driven Tumblr.

Gordon-Levitt writes the tweets for @DonJon, infusing Jon's persona into the text.

"It's really fun, man, it's like a continuation of the writing process and I love that because normally you make something, you act as the character, you finish the movie and that's it," Gordon-Levitt said on the red carpet.

"This has allowed the character to live on in a certain way," he added, "although what I'm writing is more of a prequel because, if you see the movie, he begins to evolve a bit and break out of his mold, but the stuff I've been writing on Twitter as him, well, he has not evolved."

The Twitter account's bio reads, "so that pussy ass kid actor from 30 rock made a movie about me im just playin u know i luv u joe! GO SEE DON JON!"

Aside from making the rounds for Don Jon, Gordon-Levitt is busy operating his collaborative production company for short films, records, books and now a TV show.

"It's called hitRECord on TV and it's the biggest production we've tackled," he said. "We're making it right now so any artist can contribute to it, whether you're a writer, musician, actor, illustrator and animator, and I'm directing all of these different projects and, as always, we pay the people whose work ends up in the final product."

The television series on Pivot will incorporate performances, short films and conversations.

And lest we forget, he can sing. Lately, he's been belting Sex Pistols, but on YouTube he's tickled fans ears with such covers as Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" and Nirvana's "Lithium."

Don Jon arrives in theaters on Sept. 27.

Homepage image: Christina Ascani, Mashable

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