lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

Conan Relates to Your iOS 7 Woes

You're probably a tad tired today from trying to update your Apple gadgets to iOS 7 over the past 24 or so hours. We sympathize.

Apple made its new software available to the public on Wednesday, but didn't exactly make the process glitch-free. It's a downloading battle that even late-night talk show host Conan O'Brien can understand.

In a sketch for his late night talk show, O'Brien demonstrates why iPhone users get so frustrated when it's time to update. You may as well lock yourself in an nuclear fallout shelter and wait for the damage to pass; this won't be easy.

Watch the video above, then share your personal iOS 7 woes in the comments below. Misery loves company.

BONUS: Great Balls of Pastel! 10 Colorful Reactions to iOS 7

Image: Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images

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