jueves, 3 de enero de 2013

Comic Artist Uses Robots to Quit Smoking

Comic artist Bryan Bruner has been smoking for 19 years, and he hates it. This year he's quitting cold turkey, with the help of some robots.

In effort to help his smoke-free mission, Healthline has commissioned Bruner to create a 21-page comic. The illustrations tell the 36-year-old's smoker story, featuring a wide cast of robots.

The story tells how "Ash Bender," the smoking robot protagonist, became "programmed" to think smoking was cool.

The comic is also part of a broader anti-smoking movement. Readers are invited to join Bruner on his journey by uploading photos to their personal Instagram and Twitter accounts with the hashtag #smokingrobots. Bruner will pick one submission every day for the next 10 days, and draw a special robot illustration for those selected.

Bruner says that he will choose individuals whose artwork inspires him.

Illustration courtesy of Bryan Bruner

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