miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

5 Startups Improving Society Through Technology

In our social entrepreneurship series, The World at Work, Mashable interviews the faces behind the startups and projects that are working to make a global impact.

These companies have harnessed technology to empower people all over the world, whether it's rewarding volunteers with prizes or empowering travelers to deliver much-needed aid while visiting developing countries. While the companies are diverse, they are all on a mission to change our lives for the better and improve society.

Here's a roundup of featured projects from the past week, including exclusive video interviews with the founders of these innovative startups. To read more and watch the videos, click through to the full story, and follow the series to learn about more breakthrough companies.

1. Cause.it

Big Idea: Cause.it is a gamification-based mobile app that rewards volunteers' hard work with discounts or other deals at local businesses.

Why It's Working: It's Foursquare for altruism — volunteers love getting discounts at local shops, and the owners of those shops love the image boost they get from partnering with good causes.

Read the full story here.

2. Change.org

Activists protest in Toronto, Canada.Big Idea: Change.org is a digital petition site that enables anyone with a cause to start and run their own online campaign.

Why It's Working: The impact of Change.org petitions has been proven all over the world, in everything from a campaign against SOPA to the Trayvon Martin movement, and the website is proving that a digital petition can be powerful.

Read the full story and see the video here.

3. Portable Light Project

Big Idea: The Portable Light Project enables people in the developing world to create and own energy-harvesting textiles, accelerating the global clean energy movement.

Why It's Working: The Portable Light Project team has developed an inexpensive solar textile kit to provide renewable power that can be adapted to meet the needs of people around the world.

Read the full story here.

4. mmMule

Big Idea: mmMule is a social travel network through which travelers can deliver goods to locals and receive a valuable "experience," whether it be a night on the town or travel tips.

Why It's Working: mmMule makes a big impact through the barter system — especially in its charitable and non-profit sector, "AngelMule." Travelers deliver much-needed goods to charities around the world, and gain a once-in-a-lifetime experience in return.

Read the full story and see the video here.

5. CleanTechnica

Big Idea: Touted as the most-visited dedicated clean energy site in the U.S., CleanTechnica aggregates the latest news in green science and technology.

Why It's Working: CleanTechnica maintains a strong beat in the sustainable transportation category, making it a valuable resource in the evolving and expanding electric vehicle market.

Read the full story here.

What do you think of the efforts of these startups and foundations? Let us know in the comments below.

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