Before social media, smartphones and tablets, going on vacation meant taking a hiatus from just about everything — no breaking news, no email and no updates from friends. If you really wanted to let loved ones know how your holiday was going, you'd send a postcard via snail mail, which probably didn't even arrive until after you returned.
These days, we can be as connected to current affairs — and the affairs of our friends and family — on vacation as we are at home. In return, we update our statuses with vacation-related news and photos as we see fit.
Should taking a break from your everyday life to go on vacation include taking a break from social media? Is constant connectivity an inevitable side effect of the always-on modern age? Is it a positive thing? And what are the side effects of cutting yourself off from modern communication?
Statistically Speaking
A recent Marriott survey of American adults revealed that of those willing to give something up during their vacation in exchange for a 25% discount on a hotel stay, only 26% would give up access to their smartphone or tablet.
Meanwhile, a TIME mobility study suggests that in general, U.S. adults are unwilling to part with their handsets. In fact, 45% of those surveyed said they couldn't go more than several hours without their phones, and only 19% said they could only manage without it for a week.
The same poll revealed that checking your phone has become a serious habit for many, with one out of four people checking it every 30 minutes, and one out five checking it every 10 minutes.
Within the $100,000-and-up annual household income bracket of "affluent" Americans, the stats are similar.
In the 12 months prior to February 2013, 77% of those questioned took a smartphone on vacation with them, while 47% took a tablet and the same figure toted a laptop. With those devices, 75% of checked personal email, 38% looked at work mail and 39% posted photos and updates to social media sites.
Citizens of the United Kingdom are no better when it comes to disconnecting. Data from T-Mobile revealed that four out of 10 UK citizens log on to Facebook and Twitter at least once a day while traveling abroad.
Coining the term "smoasting" (social media boasting), T-Mobile also reported that a considerable 60% of UK citizens "can't help but brag via social media" while on vacation, with over 50% checking in to a famous landmark on Foursquare, posting beach shots or gloating over a fancy meal to make friends back home envious.
Should You Unplug?
While a vacation offers a natural break from your daily routine, does it make sense to turn off your connected devices and use that time to get away from the outside world?
"People don't always view a 'vacation' in the same way," Dr. Pamela Rutledge, director of the Media Psychology Research Center, tells Mashable. "Some are trying to get away from their regular routines and relax, maybe connect with friends. Others want a complete departure from daily life, like going mountain climbing or on African safari, while others may take a break knowing that doing a small bit of work remotely is still necessary or even desirable."
Likewise, Rutledge explains that social media can serve different functions. Using social media as a means of connecting with people, especially those not geographically close to you, allows you to use vacation time to catch up with friends. Social games like Words with Friends or even chatting on Facebook can be relaxing, and not at odds with your downtime. And if you use social media for work, learning more from experts in your field can be rejuvenating.
"Perhaps the question isn't about social media, but about what kind of break you want to take when you have a vacation. Is it a time for reflection or a time for social connection? Long-overdue hanging out, or a burning need for activity? Social media can play multiple functions in all our lives. The goals of a vacation — or anything you want to get done — should drive how you use social media and other technologies, including television, video games and movies. If disconnecting from social media contributes to your overall goals, then that's a great idea," Rutledge says.
In a recent survey about "social media overload," 52% of U.S. adults said they have either taken a break or were considering taking a vacation from one or more social networks. Looking specifically at Facebook, Pew Research Center sets the figure of those who have voluntarily taken a break for several weeks or more at 61%.
So, is your vacation the perfect time for this? And what are some of the benefits from such a break?
"In an ideal world, unplugging would mean unplugging from social media as well," says urban anthropologist Krystal D'Costa, author of Scientific American's "Anthropology in Practice" blog.
"We're so inundated with information that a break offers a chance to reset your filters. Much in the same way you theoretically come back to work well-rested and ready to tackle new challenges, you can come back to social media better able to actually 'see' the content in your streams and respond to it meaningfully," she says.
Why We Don't Disconnect
Aside from the desire to "smoast," the main reason we choose not to unplug from social networks on our vacations can be summed up in one buzzword acronym — FOMO.
"Fear of missing out," described by researchers at the University of Essex as "a concern people have that others may be having more fun and rewarding experiences than them and is characterized as the desire to stay continually connected with what others are doing," makes us unwilling to tune out the noise from our social networks.
More research suggests as many as 62% of U.S. adults suffer from the condition, while TIME reports a third of respondents in its mobility study admitted that being without their mobile for even short periods made them feel "anxious."
In conjunction with academics from the University of California and University of Rochester, the Univeristy of Essex is currently researching the fear of missing out, complete with an online test to rate your FOMO.
The university warns that the "problem for people with a high level of FOMO is they may become so involved in seeing what their friends are doing and they are not, they often ignore what they are actually enjoying themselves" — such as having meaningful vacation time.
"I find Facebook rewarding to use, but how we are using social media is changing," says Dr. Andrew Przybylski, psychologist and lecturer in the department of psychology at the University of Essex. "It is no longer something we have to sit at a computer and log into, as we have access all the time on our phones. It is easier to get into the rhythm of other people's lives than ever before as we get alerts and texts. We have to learn new skills to control our usage and enjoy social media in moderation. Until we do, it creates a double-edged sword aspect to social media."
Levels of FOMO can vary. If you do disconnect while you're on vacation, you may, as D'Costa suggests, feel refreshed and look forward to catching up with your social streams on your return.
It may take a little time for you to get used to not checking in, but the rewards may be worth it. "With or without social media, you may feel at loose ends for a day or two while you try to figure out 'what to do.' Sitting with that discomfort and doing things out of the ordinary can have big dividends after a few days when you have reset your internal rhythms," Rutledge says.
Or, if you have a really bad case of FOMO, not being hooked up to your social networks could ruin your holiday time. In this instance, there may be wider issues that you should address.
"Our research indicated that people who have lower levels of need satisfaction were more likely to score high on fear of missing out," Przybylski explains. "Individuals who experience their social environment as thwarting to their basic needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness were the more likely to have the highest levels of FOMO."
The Positive Side of Social Media
On the other hand, 62% of brits surveyed by TIME said being connected made it "easier" to spend time away from family, while 76% of Americans agreed that being constantly connected is mostly a good thing.
The Marriott stats drill deeper to reveal that nearly one-third of respondents admitted to having "gotten pleasure out of the number of likes or comments on their vacation posts or pictures on social media."
We look to our family, friends, colleagues and peers on social networks for approval as much on vacation as at any other time. D'Costa says that there's a spike in social channel activity when people are on vacation, mostly because the experiences represent an anomaly to their usual day-to-day.
"When confronted with the unfamiliar, we seek assurances from our networks. Those likes and comments become important as other people share in our experiences and help normalize them with supportive comments ('Oh, that's beautiful! Enjoy the view!') or suggestions of their own ('Have dinner at X. It's a great spot!') Interaction on these kinds of updates also confirm that you're actually on vacation! Really! People can see that you're not working, and support that," she says.
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According to D'Costa, more than half of working Americans have indicated that they'd work through their vacations this year. "In a culture so oriented toward work, having your vacation validated by your peers becomes important," she says. "It means you can feel a little less guilty about lying by the pool because someone has said 'Nice! You deserve it! Enjoy!'"
Przybylski suggests that it's a good idea to think about why you're using social media on your vacation. Check in on Foursquare if you have to, catch up on the news from home and share some of your more glamorous experiences, but don't let social media take over your vacation time.
Rutledge says that it's all about moderation. "Too much technology use and you may not actually be present for your own vacation," she warns. "If you find that your use of any media technologies are is keeping you from actually experiencing your vacation, then a break can be a very healthy thing."
Images: Flickr, Bradley P Johnson, Kristi Bradshaw, Roe Utena
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