Crank up the adorable on Instagram by packing your feed with cute animals.
Not just regular cuteness — we're talking the ultimate, heart-tickling amazingness of the 75 cutest animals on Instagram. These furballs (and tortoise-shells) of delight will inspire you to curl up with your smartphone, and pet the screen.
1. @jermzlee
Norm the Pug has posed for a photo every day of his life.
2. @ginny_jrt
Ginny the Jack Russell Terrier has a flair for costumes.
3. @samhaseyebrows
Sam's downturned Peter Gallagher-style eyebrows make him look perpetually nervous.
4. @darcytheflyinghedgehog
Darcy the Flying Hedgehog loves Gremlins and tiny furniture.
5. @tunameltsmyheart
Tuna the Chiweenie's overbite is almost as cute as his bow tie collection.
6. @trotterpup
Trotter the Frenchie dresses better than you, fashionistas.
7. @shimejiwasabi
Wasabi-chan survived a crow attack and wore cute costumes as part of her treatment.
8. @corgnelius
Corgnelius is the happiest Corgi on the block.
9. @digbyvanwinkle
Digby and his buddy Alo are Griffons from New Zealand, mateys.
10. @barkleysircharles
Sir Charles Barkley makes his human friends laugh with his silly snorting, whining, burping and farting.
11. @smooshblog
Smoosh doesn't have time for your crap.
12. @its_a_silkie_world
Charcoal, Flurry, Swiffer, Yeti, Smudge and Pompom are fluffy chickens with a fashion sense.
13. @hamilton_the_hipster_cat
Hamilton the Hipster Cat knew about Instagram before it was cool.
14. @bunnymama
Eddy & Rambo Bunny encourage their fans to adopt not shop while looking adorable.
15. @thiswildidea
Maddie on Things is the star of her human buddy's Instagram feed.
16. @otterthepitbull
A handsome pitbull that wears glasses to look more sophisticated.
17. @marutaro
Maru the Shiba Inu has half a million followers and a smile that lights up the doghouse.
18. @guineapigs_ruffles_malone
Ruffles & Malone love carrots and selfies.
19. @kingsleythecavalier
Kingsley loves snuggles and hates toothbrushes.
20. @dog_dada
Starbs pup doesn't want your homemade joe.
21. @buckley_thehedgehog
Buckley is a classy bloat who drinks tea with his hedgehog pinkie high in the air.
22. @chintubehd
A chinchilla family worth hugging your iPhone for.
23. @mensweardog
Menswear Dog has a better closet than 90% of men.
24. @chloecavy
How many gamer guinea pigs do you know?
25. @tomiinya
Tomiinya is a Russian Blue with crossed eyes and a love of freshly made beds.
26. @nationalmilldogrescue
The National Mill Dog Rescue rehabs mill dogs, like Blueberry pictured here.
27. @_whataboutbob_
Exotic Bob never looks terribly interested in your orange hearts of admiration.
28. @princessmonstertruck
Princess Monster Truck is a badass with an underbite.
29. @utacci
A Scottish Fold with human-style sitting tendencies.
30. @tortoisegarden
"Is there room for a tortoise on this list?" -Sloggi
31. @blinddogjack
Jack the pomeranian has survived a puppy mill and cancer, and even though he's blind, he's a happy feller.
32. @1202yu
Windy the golden retriever really wants a bite of your food. Like for reals.
33. @shoesdec
It's all about the eyes for a golden retriever named Kikoken Xandy.
34. @andrewknapp
Momo the border collie's Instagram feed is part game. He has a talent for hiding and his human friend challenges followers to spot him.
35. @dearbeta
Beta might have ladybug hunting skills, but don't hold that against her.
36. @littlewillienelson
Little Willie Nelson is really high in this photo. Literally.
37. @betty_style
Betty is an outdoorsy gal ready for her next adventure.
38. @honeyb_doodle
HoneyB is the Beyonce of this trio. She is backed up by the cute Sully and SashaCat.
39. @handsomemike
Hero is here to save the day -- and your Instagram feed.
40. @pudgethecat
Pudge is a Minneapolis gal with a fierce moustache.
41. @piratepugjack
Pirate Pug Jack has one eye and too much cuteness to walk the plank.
42. @theadventuresofkevinbacon
A pig named Kevin Bacon. That's all you need to know.
43. @biddythehedgehog
Biddy like traveling and renewable energy.
44. @ichaity
Riley the Jack is an artistic pooch with a mug for modeling.
45. @nala_cat
795,000 followers? NBD for Nala.
46. @trufflesthehamster
Truffles the Hamster always has a slight look of disheveled confusion.
47. @colonelmeow
Colonel Meow doesn't have followers -- he has minions.
48. @louis_of_bavarian
Europe's classiest pooch hobnobs at castles.
49. @rokuthecat
Roku has aerodynamic ears made for frolicking.
50. @avianrecon
One-eyed owl. Hoo? A one-eyed owl.
51. @kobi_and_dillon
Kobi and Dillon beach frolic like "Baywatch" pros.
52. @richard_kitty
Can you even pick which of Richard the kitty's two eyes is prettier? Trick question -- they're both beautiful.
53. @hana_uoj
Half shihtzu, half chihuahua, fully amazing.
54. @dogcommune2002
Rai, Nanaco and Amelie stick together to form a trio of cute.
55. @fiona_and_aurora
Fiona (pictured) and Aurora are mini pygmy goats that you definitely want to butt adorable heads with.
56. @riobluebostonterrier
Beeb boop Boston Terrier meep bop.
57. @momoramubabu
This Instagram comes with a trio of cute: Momo, Ramu, Babu.
58. @caspernstitch
Casper and Stitch found a forever home after being rescued from a kill-shelter.
59. @underbiteunite
Peanut butter is hard to eat with an underbite, an overbite or a regular bite. Right, underbiteunite?
60. @corgimeetsworld
Corey the corgi is even cuter than Ryder Strong.
61. @bullylife
Bentley the English bulldog might leave a bone in your stew.
62. @hacth427
Hatch and Nico are long-haired miniature dachshund with a special talent for balancing food on their heads.
63. @lasthopeanimalrescue
Last Hope Animal Rescue features animals that need homes in Long Island.
64. @coachthebostonterrier
Coach destroys boxes and hearts.
65. @suzie_cat
Suzie accessorizes better than you.
66. @overtonspoonminipig
You'll find Overton the mini pig catching rays and snuggling under blankets
67. @ayasakai
Boy + Frenchie = Maximum cuteness.
68. @iamlilbub
Lil Bub is a superstar outside of Instagram -- she has a book and a movie.
69. @emonemon
Shishi-maru can read and sleep at the same time.
70. @snoopybabe
Snoopy has a squished face and a fondness for hats.
71. @lileslops
Floppy ears galore.
72. @kei515yu
Yuuko is an 8-year-old Golden Retriever who can balance a watermelon. Seriously -- look for yourself.
73. @_daisy
Daisy needs pets and maybe a nap.
74. @mihonogi
Toy poodle Pino will curl his way into your heart.
75. @ninawanco
Nina the corgi likes frisbees and dinner time.
If your smartphone chokes out a hairball, you'll know why.
Image: Instagram, tomiinya
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