martes, 9 de julio de 2013

13 Eye-Popping Photos From the Running of the Bulls

A long and rich tradition. Thousands of drunken revelers. Enraged, horned animals chasing people down narrow streets.

It's easy to understand why the annual Running of the Bulls in Spain has become one of the world's most legendary parties, attracting tourists from around the globe. The festival runs from July 6 through July 14 each year, and features music, dancing and plenty of drinking. But its centerpiece is each morning's terrifying bull run, in which a herd of bulls chase brave (and perhaps stupid) attendees down ancient streets.

It's really a situation only photos can do true justice. So check out the following 13 hair-raising pics from this year's festival, so far. Then tell us your favorites in the comments.

1. You've got to be crazy to willingly sign up for something like this.


Image via Pedro Armestre/AFP/Getty Images

2. But plenty of people do just that.


Image via Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images

3. Despite the potential for situations like this.


Image via Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images

4. So here's one solution: Jump in the water!


Image via Jose Jordan/AFP/Getty Images

5. Peace out, stupid bull!


Image via Jose Jordan/AFP/Getty Images

6. I mean, look at the form on this guy's dive.


Image via Jose Jordan/AFP/Getty Images

7. Oh, crap. Plot twist. Can bulls swim?


Image via Jose Jordan/AFP/Getty Images

8. Meanwhile, back on dry land ...


Image via Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images

9. Things aren't going much better.

Image via Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images

10. But seriously, who wears red to a bull run?


Image via Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images

11. So, yeah ... looks like this dude is about to get trampled.


Image via Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images

12. But these folks on balconies have the right idea.


Image via Pedro Armestre/AFP/Getty Images

13. And these two late night partiers have the best idea of all.


Image via Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images

Homepage image via Jose Jordan/AFP/Getty Images

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