jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

Fandoms Show Support for 'Glee' Community on Tumblr

While scrolling through her Tumblr dashboard late Saturday night, Natasha Cougoule came across a post about Cory Monteith's death. She initially thought it was a hoax, until she checked the facts and realized it was true.

Cougoule is active in the Sherlock, Doctor Who and Harry Potter fandoms online. Although she hasn't kept up with Glee in a while, she is one of the many people on Tumblr in fan bases outside of Glee who has expressed her sympathy for the community that lost one of its role models and key figures.

The young Tumblr user created a post with GIFs from The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Supernatural and Sherlock with the words "Gleeks, we stand with you." Since being posted on Sunday, the GIF set has received over 93,000 notes.


"I love that all of the fandoms are coming out in support of the Gleeks," Cougoule told Mashable in an email. "We all know grief and loss, and we want the Glee fans to know that they're not alone … As most people know, the people of Tumblr are rather emotional, and we know that if this happened to any other fandom, we want the Gleeks to be there for us."

Daniela Alvarez is one of the many Tumblr users that reblogged Cougoule's post. Like Cougoule, she's not explicitly in the Glee fandom but recognizes Monteith's death as a very distressing event for the community.

"I think the different fandoms showing support is one of the most beautiful things that have happened due to this tragedy, and I'm very proud to be part of this," Alvarez wrote to Mashable.

Aside from Cougoule's post, many other GIF sets of Monteith's memorable moments on Glee and his funniest tweets have been circulating on Tumblr, racking up thousands of notes.

"What I love is that the people of Tumblr are really coming together not only to support the Gleeks, but to honor Cory's work and his entire persona," Cougoule says. "There are posts highlighting his goofy and humorous tweets and his genuinely individual character."

Not all of the responses on Tumblr have been positive. Some people have made jokes about Monteith's death and what Lea Michele, his former partner, will do now. Alvarez expressed her frustration with such behavior, and hopes that people will stop and respect the pain people are feeling.

Both Cougoule and Alvarez agree that if they lost someone within the fandoms with which they're heavily involved, such as Emma Watson or Benedict Cumberbatch, they couldn't imagine how distraught they'd be.

As news continues to develop about Monteith's death and people speculate what Glee will now do without the star, one thing is sure: Gleeks are not alone as they grieve for their loss.

Image: Jason Merritt/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

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